What is a Relic Galaxy? By definition they are galaxies that did not go through the latter evolutionary phase (so called phase 2 in this paradigm) which most of the galaxies go through in the last 10 billion years. We know this phase 2 is governed mainly by mergers and in some cases by other interactions between the galaxy and its neighborhood.


Massive galaxies typically go through two phases in their evolution.

By chance, some galaxies avoid the second phase of this evolution. So they are untouched by other galaxies (mergers). These galaxies are called relic galaxies since they are ancient remnants untouched by other galaxies and providing a great opportunity to explore the properties of the universe and galaxy formation at that time.

Synthetic images of two galaxies merging in the simulation TNG100-1. Image is taken from https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/494/4/4969/5818768

But looking for these relics are extremely hard due to observational limitations and also since they are theoretically predicted to be rare. With the latest development of cosmological simulations, there is an opportunity to look for these relics. Since we only have discovered very few relics through telescopes, there are a lot of uncharted territories for defining and feature engineering classifiers to identify relics .

So we explore and analyze data from multiple Illustris simulations to look for new features common to relics and how they are different from other galaxies. Especially how does dark matter profiles and properties are related to these relics. Do relic galaxies have high concentration dark matter halos around them? etc.




There are two papers soon to be published discussing the new results. Some of the results concisely

This plot shows how galaxies(in the simulation) change their stellar mass and dark matter mass(within 100 kpc radius from the center) in the last 10 billion years. y-axis shows stellar mass ratio at redshift 2(z=2) to redshift 1(z=0). x-axis shows same ratio for dark matter.

This plot shows how high dark matter concentrated galaxies can be candidates for relic galaxies. Color bar shows the values of dark matter concentration (c200). It looks high concentrated dark matter galaxies tend to have not changed their dark matter and stellar masses but need a bigger sample size